Edge Way Funds is a research-driven investment company that is client-centered in its mission and global in it's scope. Our team doesn’t put self interests at odds with the client interests, whether you are an investment-management member or a member of our affiliate-side research unit.
We believe hard work excellence is the key to a constant development and finding unique solutions to the obstacles, so we’ve created research capabilities with exceptional staff, depth and focus on improvement, on the investment-side and the management-side.
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0.75% daily for 21 working days (Capital Return) |
Expert |
$10.00 - $500.00 |
0.75 |
We accept: EpayCore, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, Tron, USDT (TRC-20/BEP only)
All payments are made to your wallet manual.
Minimum spend is 10$, maximum is 500$.
Minimum withdrawal: EpayCore - $0.10 / USDT BEP -$5, USDT TRC 20 -$10, DogeCoin -$1, Tron -$1, LiteCoin - $2
You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
Use our referral program and earn up to 3.00% of referral deposits!
Our first level referral bonuses: